“STRETCHED” на російській мові


інші переклади

extended stretched elongate prolate oblong splay


On the wings were long, layered flight pens, as on a true bird, though the idea of something so big lifting itself from the ground stretched credulity.

He shrugged his shoulders, stretched his legs, and then nodded to Jon and Anne.

Rolling hills stretched before him.

Its cardinal points stretched longer than the other four, with the Harp situated directly in the heart of the star.

Then they stood up, stretched their legs, yawned, and made ready to check in.

”Gwyn and Nesta kept quiet as Emerie stretched out her right wing nearly all the way before it bunched and shuddered.

Sam stretched out his arms to try and save her but simply passed straight through her.

Sarah Dinh escaped with Chad while the Noiesni stretched his mouth in a long, pained frown.

His clenched hands stretched the paper until it was taut as a drum skin.

Elain had always wanted to visit the continent to study the tulips and other famed flowers, but her imagination had stretched no further.

Valatrice rose up and stretched languidly, displaying the full length of his enormous body for all to see.