“SUCCESS” на російській мові


інші переклади

success luck hit achievement advance prosperity
fortune luck good luck success chance piece of luck
человек, пользующийся успехом



favorable outcome successfulness successful result triumph Hollywood ending


It will greatly reduce your chances of success.

He’s enjoyed enormous success with a solo career since Jack’s sudden passing.

Even when they’re not, there’s no guarantee of success.

There is no guarantee of success.

Lin Feyn had some of Feyn Charin’s journals, books that usually never left the library of the Dralamut, and Liang devoured them hungrily, dutifully returning to the globe now and then with the same lack of success.

Their mission was to infiltrate the various cells that claimed territorial rights all over Brooklyn, and since turnover and burnout were high, much of their success could be attributed to anonymous tips and street informants.

Miryam’s children were able to pass through her birth canal because their wings bent easily—and nearly every one of her human people who’s mixed with Drakon’s has had similar success.

The weekends they spent back in Wiltshire, compartmentalising with a fair amount of success.

Stay on the success grind and keep doin’ the damn thang.

Jolyon had some success.

Az would speak when he was ready, and Cassian would have better success convincing a mountain to move than getting Az to open up.