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Across the aeons, temperatures have dipped and soared, plunged and sweltered - without the assistance of mankind.
As Hong Kong sweltered for the second day under smoggy skies, a health lobby group called on the government to reform its current air pollution health warnings saying they are inadequate.
Hong Kong sweltered yesterday in its hottest day so far this year with the mercury reaching a monstrous 37 degrees in the western New Territories and 34 degrees in urban areas.
Outside the Waldorf-Astoria, demonstrators and cops shivered in a cold, persistent drizzle; inside, delegates sweltered in the over-heating that seems to tempt every hotel manager.
We were rained on hard enough to look for a second ark, we drove through three snowstorms in the mountains, we froze in a harsh Kansas wind, and we sweltered in southern Texas heat.