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His living expression was blank, only the dead side of his face moved, and the expression it wore was terrifying.
I never expected something so terrifying to come through the Chiral Network.
The rules of the House were simple: no one could winnow directly inside thanks to its heavy wards, so it was a choice to either walk up the ten thousand steps, winnow and drop a terrifying distance to the veranda—likely breaking bones—or winnow to the edge of the wards with someone who had wings to fly the rest of the way in.
Not battlecries, exactly, for battle was forbidden, but in a situation like this such rules were suspended, and their prayers screamed at volume were as terrifying as any warrior’s cry.
Horrific and terrifying things when shot on rockets against wooden ships but not much use against dragons, which laughed at fire, and not much use against Elemental Men either, not when they could simply turn into the stuff at will.
Since those terrifying moments when Hybern’s assassins had snuck in, chasing her and Feyre into the dark heart of the library.
Five terrifying shades drifted into the room.
It’s about the power of the written word and, quite appropriately, Aliya Whiteley’s writing is spellbinding, blending reality and mythos together to create a world that is most terrifying when it reflects our deepest fears back at us.
It was terrifying.
A chill wind swept through the room, and the terrifying wail of the undead sent a shiver down Rew’s spine.
For a second he thought he would blindfold them to be safe from these terrifying looks.