“TRAPEZIUM” на російській мові


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trapeze trapezium


With the help of square, rhombus, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezium , equilateral, isosceles, diamond and kite shapes the direct and indirect approaches to teach the Pythagoras Theorem and other mathematical concepts is possible.

They have been made in many shapes: triangular or trapeziform, ‘pig's head’ shape (a trapezium with concave ‘cheeks’, popularly known in Italy as strumento di porco), wing or harp-shaped, or rectangular.

These involved, in addition to the base of the first carpometacarpal joint, the trapezium , navicular, surrounding fascial structures or the abductor pollicis brevis muscle.

The distal row of carpals includes the hamate, capitate, trapezium , and trapezoid, which are closely approximated to the metacarpals.

The insertion may ascend on the lateral face of the radius or may be extended distally to the navicular, trapezium , or base of the third metacarpal bone.