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Pickford's and Chaplin & Home, who were the two big ‘ wharfingers ’ and railway carriers, worked as agents for a number of railways, especially until the mid-18 70s.
In the 1880 census they identified themselves as sailors, shipbuilders, ship carpenters, teamsters, wharfingers , inspectors of customs, spar makers, seamen, and sea captains.
Passing down the steep cobbled pathway, Carr's Lane, we emerge into Skeldergate, the haunt, as of old, of wharfingers and watermen, and we wistfully wonder in which house Robinson Crusoe, mariner, was born.
The claimants were flour merchants, warehousemen and wharfingers , whose warehouse was destroyed by an accidental fire, together with goods in it of which they were bailees.
Evidence of the place importance remains, with loading bays, a gauging dock, wharf buildings and the wharfinger 's house still in existence.