“APP” на українській мові



Thank you to Anna Victoria, whose workout app (Fit Body) helped me experience so much of Nesta’s physical transformation firsthand.

The Messenger app launches and he starts typing.

He picks up his phone and downloads the Facebook app.

”By the time Joy inputted the address in her maps app and memorized the directions, Dylan had fallen asleep, passed out before Joy could remind him to buckle his seat belt.

He doesn’t want to give Jack’s followers, a fan base in mourning, access to any part of his personal life, and that includes messaging him through some random app.

Or maybe he just needs to delete the damn app from his phone.

Distracted, he opens his Facebook app.

She opened her phone app and clicked over to her call log.

He closes the app and hot potato drops his phone into the armrest cup holder.

He stares at the screen, finger hovering over the blue square icon, and watches the loading spinner circle until it disappears, alerting him that the app has fully loaded.

”He opens his Facebook app and brings up her profile.