“BARS” на українській мові


інші переклади

bars lattice grating



parallel bars rod pole stick batten shaft rail paling spar strut crosspiece beam


bolt lock fasten secure block barricade obstruct


”“It would take two weeks to get a letter to Fedgley,” drawled Rew, leaning forward against the bars of the cell.

” He pointed through the bars.

Regaining some composure, Deadman held the pod out to him through the iron bars.

A cage of light linked them, angled bars springing into being between the columns, until the duke was imprisoned between the four.

”Sontiny pushed his face through the bars of his cage and peered blearily past Rel.

Blood speckled the ruined iron bars of the cell and streaked along the floor as if one of the prisoners had been dragged violently across the broken metal and then hauled away.

It was as if the lad’s trousers were lined with lead bars.

”The two rangers peered at three youths locked on the other side of a wall of thick, iron bars.

Two other modalmen hurried up to take it away while another stuffed Tuvacs back into the cage and locked his manacles to the cage bars.

His arms were thick, like that of a laborer, but he held himself with a confidence unusual for one on the wrong side of the bars of a jail cell.

He had groveled around like a dog behind those bars before God took mercy and spoke to him.