“BIG” на українській мові


інші переклади

noble honorable chivalrous knightly ingenuous big
important big momentous serious considerable weighty
great large big capital vast important
high tall big elevated towering long
loud vocal big reverberating exclamatory wild
adult grown big marriageable grown-up full-grown
coarse big
full complete total whole entire big
wide broad general extensive ample big



large sizable substantial great huge immense enormous extensive colossal massive mammoth vast tremendous gigantic giant monumental mighty gargantuan elephantine titanic mountainous Brobdingnagian towering tall high lofty outsize oversized goodly capacious voluminous spacious king-size(d) man-size family-size(d) economy-size(d) jumbo whopping mega humongous monster astronomical ginormous commodious


boastfully large vauntingly


They are iron giants, big as the modalmen, with blood of molten metal and cunning minds.

”“No, not at all,” said Rew, studying the big man.

He knew how the big oil-magnates, the big financiers, the presidents of great corporations, and in particular the politicians, stole and robbed wherever there was an opportunity.

“You must understand, my friend, there have been earthquakes, torrential rains, landslides, changes in the course of rivers; brooks have disappeared and others have come anew; small trees have grown to giants, and big trees have died.

He came to believe that he had dreamed of the big five extinction events and lived these past extinctions vicariously in his nightmares.

More than twenty glasships hung around the edges, clustered around four black monoliths, sucking up their energies from the earth, but the field was big enough for a hundred.

“I can—“Not waiting for her to finish, Rew rolled the motionless boy over and wrapped his arms beneath the big body.

‘He says that he needs you, his Scales, food and water for the dragons, the rider-slave to fly the big one and otherwise to be left alone.

Fragments of shattered gold-glass as big as horses fell like rain around the gondola, breaking into a million glittering shards as they hit the stone of the eyrie, crushing and skewering the men beneath them.

Her eyes ranged over the dragon yard, looking for Tuuran, waiting for him to come to her, hoping he would before the alchemist made it all too late, and yet when he came up the steps and crossed the wall towards her, big and with the sun across his face and his hair all lank and straggly and his chin covered in a month of beard, she didn’t recognise him.

It wasn’t like it was a big secret or anything, but Sam never made a point of talking about it to anyone else.