“BUBBLED” на українській мові


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boil bubble seethe blaze
bubble blubber
deceive cheat delude trick gouge bubble



sparkle fizz effervesce foam froth


She wasn’t sure why the words bubbled up, pressing on her lips to voice them.

Water bubbled below them, rushing through the narrow banks beside the village and heading far away from that place.

It knew him, and memories that weren’t his had bubbled and boiled in his head, memories of another time and place when there hadn’t been one dragon but a thousand, and all of them were his.

Torrents of water bubbled from the grounded ice banks, rattling the cobbles of the shore loudly on their way to the waves.

Thoughts of rescue bubbled up, of escape and flight, all of them utterly stupid.

The rangers had their own rites, and their hope was that the body’s return to the earth was speedy, that the memory of the ranger lived on not in the minds of friends and family, but in the sighs of the wind through the living trees of the forest, the laughing of a brook as it bubbled over rocks, and the call of the animals as they roamed where few men dared to go.

The river bubbled by, clear and unconcerned, and the wind stirred the branches of the trees, crackling the dry leaves and sending flurries of them down to carpet the forest floor and the bank of the river, but the sounds of animal life had stilled.

Faint amusement bubbled under its every word, as if it found the world ridiculous.

The gatehouse whipped by, and then the stone bridge beyond, then they were into the spiral tunnel carved through Mogawn’s bubbled rock that led down to the mudflats.

The thought bubbled up from nowhere.

The wine in the flagon bubbled.