“BURRO” на українській мові


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burro neddy


” Dobbs began to unload the burro standing next to him.

Dobbs kicked the nearest burro in its hams until it took the lead and set out on its way toward town.

” He spoke so loud that the burro in front of him turned his head, thinking perhaps Dobbs had given him an order.

He was sure the burro would later follow up and come to camp at night looking for his pals.

If a burro at the rear stopped, he would pull so hard at the rope that the burro ahead of him would also stop and so the whole train would come to a standstill.

No horse, mule, or burro was to be used on this dreary way.

” Curtin kicked a burro nibbling at the grass of the plaza.

4Dobbs hurried ahead to turn the leading burro about.

A wheel was constructed with empty tin cans and small wooden cases, and with the help of a burro this could be made to draw the water from the tank, lift it with those cans and cases up to the upper tank, from where, on opening the shutter, it would run down the channels to wash the sand.

Slowly he dismounted from the burro he had been riding and, helped by the old man, went about unpacking the two other animals.

He tried tying a rope around the neck of each burro and fastening it to the saddle of the burro ahead.