“CHECKING” на українській мові


інші переклади

curbing checking calming
audit check checking verification review control



examine inspect look at/over scrutinize survey study investigate research probe look into inquire into check out give something a once-over


The boy’s sister had walked beside them, constantly checking on her brother, but aside from confirming the youth still lived, she had little to offer.

He and his two assistants were going around the three interconnected rooms that made up the main bar, checking behind chairs and benches for overlooked drunks.

By the time Nesta straightened, checking the knife at her side, she was already heading north.

‘We’re just checking this place out,’ said Petra, skimming the milk foam from the rim of the glass with her finger and licking it clean.

He was glad in a way that they did not ask him for their tickets, because he was busy enough checking the express and seeing to his many duties as the only depot official.

“The staff is checking on me.

” He made a show of checking his watch.

Like the hand of someone checking a dead body.

Anne began moving about, checking to see if Raif and Cinda had injured themselves when they plopped down into the water.

She stared up at the house as it came into view, her gaze fearful; he thought she was looking at the windows, checking to see if Max appeared.

He nervously glanced at every pack, checking for chains and running faster when did not see them.