“CIRCLED” на українській мові


інші переклади

twirl roll twiddle swing turn round wind
whirl circle spin dance go around go round
rotate circle revolve turn turn around pivot
surround encircle cordon embosom encompass beset
передавати по колу
circulate circle
roll twiddle swing wheel jib whirl
spin turn flail circle pivot reel
рухатися по колу
cycle circle circulate



wheel move around revolve rotate whirl spiral


It circled and swooped and settled on the top of a single tower made of glass and gold, a strange sorcery, weak and fragile when set against those it remembered, yet one not tasted in its many lives before.

Which brought Lin Feyn right back to the thing she was trying very hard not to think about, the question that circled her with the predatory malevolence of a shark: What do I do with you?

She dived and circled its gondola, making sure that anyone inside had a good long look.

He’d circled the reminder several times and highlighted the date and time.

She placed it before him, pressing a finger onto an article she had circled.

He held out his hand to Kalaiya and tried to estimate how many times the steps had circled the shaft and which way the tunnel ran.

EpilogueThe dragon Snow circled high over the mouth of the Fury, enraptured by the ripples in the water.

Rew circled them, staying well back, peering between the pine boughs and bushes that provided him cover.

They circled again, but Az snapped his head toward Nesta, eyes wide.

There was a bloody kill in the middle of them, and he wondered briefly if they’d been chasing something or someone, but as he circled the site, he saw it was a bear they’d felled, a small one that had no chance against a dozen narjags.

And like a map with a circled starting point, she let her mind go there, to where her journey began.