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The supporting cast could include a sympathetic bartender, a hapless purser, a coked up cruise director, and a comically lecherous ship's doctor.
I'm no Miss Alli but I do love to sink the boot into reality TV famewhores and coked up network programmers.
Eddie's not going to want to go to a doctor, especially if he gets coked up first.
But the track listing is incongruous: The happy-go-lucky Monkey Ska by Derrick Harriot from 1965 is followed by Dillinger's Cocaine In My Brain - a glassy-eyed coked out classic from 1979.
Leaving aside the forgettable Mirage, FM's next most significant moment was 1987's Tango in the Night, the album that Buckingham rescued from the band's coked out indifference, at the cost of his own departure.