“CONNECTED” на українській мові


інші переклади

bound coherent tied connected cohesive conjunct
connected coherent well-connected
connected united conjugate coupled amalgamated conjunct
related akin kindred cognate allied connected



affiliated attached


attach join fasten fix affix couple link secure hitch stick adhere fuse pin screw bolt clamp clip hook (up) add append


“If Cliff is hoping for extinction, that would also mean that Lou is connected to extinction somehow.

She explained that if Higgs used one, he could always stay connected to her.

“You and I are connected.

The only ones who connected us were Fragile and the others.

The plan to rebuild the UCA was going to enable this, but until the Chiral Network that would once again transcend the physical limitations of an emasculated mankind was brought online, it was the porters who were responsible for keeping this wasteland connected.

Sam connected the cord of the BB pod to his uniform, and all Mama could do was pray that he would take the cuff link.

Not Mama, who had been connected to her BT daughter, nor the director, who people celebrated as the man who wouldn’t die.

“We are all connected to the Otherland, that the Road of Fire cuts in a burning line,” he shouted down from his mount.

“BTs are connected to the other side via umbilical cords, right?

It ran north to south, almost like it was partitioning the areas that had already been connected to the Chiral Network from Edge Knot.

We were physically connected to each other inside of her: conjoined twins.