“DECISION” на українській мові


інші переклади

definition determination designation decision regulation appreciation
solution decision resolution answer
sentence verdict judgment decision decree deliverance
decree resolution decision ruling act ordonnance
decision solution resolution resolve decree act
determination resoluteness decision firmness vigor fixedness
hardness firmness solidity resolution resoluteness decision



resolution conclusion settlement commitment resolve determination choice option selection


Now that she’d laid her ultimatum on him, made his decision about her safety, Anne knew she’d given him no choice at all.

She needs to be strong, and she needs to trust that not every decision she makes ends with someone she loves getting hurt.

’I miss the Max who would never have done a thing like this with a ferocity that cements my decision.

Then she made sure to tell the people of Mountain Knot City all about the dangers of the Chiral Network, and eventually became involved in its decision making.

It is the decision of the king, I believe, which prince will ascend to the throne.

Another reason not to have the council meetings in the room, thought Rew, but things were tense enough without him questioning that decision.

Behind him the doors ground shut, apparently a decision made entirely on their own.

“Then we gotta get him a lawyer,” he said, coming to a quick decision.

Higgs couldn’t understand what was going through Amelie’s mind, but if she was hesitating, then he’d make the decision for her.

He glanced at his nephew and at a few other men and nodded as if he had come to a decision.

He was waiting for the two Americans to decide where and how to spend the night, and whatever they might decide, he would accept their decision and spend the night as near them as he could.