“DESIRED” на українській мові


інші переклади

wish want desire will choose care
wish desire
wish desire
ask request seek beg apply desire
want wish will desire choose please



required necessary proper right correct appropriate suitable preferred chosen selected


want wish for long for yearn for crave hanker after be desperate for be bent on covet aspire to fancy have a yen for have a jones for yen for hanker after/for


He had made the beings exactly as he had planned, and they loved all he made as he so desired.

”“Speed is to be desired.

Sam reflected on how this strange backward hourglass represented Heartman’s heart, which desired nothing more than to rewind the past.

He was naked, alone in the near-scalding water with a woman whom a great many men desired.

For an instant today, as she’d watched the couple on the shore, she’d desired to be that woman.

He had made all, and though he desired love and appreciation of his art, he did not wish for blind devotion.

The void never spoke, and never showed any sign of thought, but it became a thing in the One’s mind of cold will that desired to grow forever, and swamp what little the One had made in unending chill.

Into the growing spaces of being he desired to set other spheres, for he could not abide the void’s emptiness, although it was his first child, and so he took up grains of sand from his twin planets, and from them made other worlds, and from the diamonds of the stars he grew other suns, and other wondrous things.

It was not exactly the gold alone they desired.

“The One desired to fill the void.

Some of the Children of the Five were not the idle things you saw in the battle, spending blood for leisure, but were thoughtful beings who desired above all else to find their god.