“DETERMINED” на українській мові


інші переклади

determined established definite appointed predestinate upset
decided determined
decisive resolute determined drastic vigorous decided



intent on bent on set on insistent on resolved to firm about committed to single-minded about obsessive about


control decide regulate direct dictate govern affect influence mold


Dylan didn’t want her there, and she was determined that he wouldn’t see her.

If he was so determined to make Bridget pay for her sins, then he would have to face the same condemnation.

She understood what he was saying, but she wanted him to know that she was determined to find the clues that would help them sidestep extinction.

” He took the phone, determined to put a smile back on her face.

He could perceive the potential phases from before choices were made and events were determined.

A man who is determined above all else to protect his family, a man who is willing to risk everything to find out the truth and to ultimately uncover the secrets of his own heart.

And I told her that I wanted to meet this woman, and get to know her, because I was determined that we would not split Liz into pieces, with neither of us getting the best of her.

The sacrifice who determined the path of the country was the master in here.

With plenty to look forward to, she’s determined to do the same.

You spurn me, very well, it makes me more determined.

There were the men, who whether joking or stern were all determined.