Among the 30 different types of stone recognized are varieties of diorite , granite, bedded tuff, sandstones, limestones, and tufa.
It is dominated by variably foliated, medium-grained, even-textured to porphyritic biotite hornblende tonalite and quartz diorite .
The clasts range from angular to subrounded and show a weak preferred orientation when elongate; they include micaceous siltstone, fine-grained sandstone, tuffaceous rock, andesite and medium-grained diorite .
The thrust sheet overlying the Delaney Dome Formation is composed of the basic Ballyconneely Amphibolite and interbanded quartz diorite and hornblende gneiss that intrude the Dalradian sediments.
All granitoids in the footwall of the Simav detachment are dominated by medium - to coarse-grained granite, granodiorite, quartz monzonite, diorite and syenogranite.