“FORMAL” на українській мові


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external foreign outside outer outdoor formal
official formal solemn functionary functional ceremonial
formal official technical token ceremonial



ceremonial ceremonious ritualistic ritual conventional traditional stately courtly solemn dignified elaborate ornate dressy black-tie




’How very formal this intimacy is, with timings and sentiments, like the steps of a waltz.

The formal gardens of their first home, that lovely manor near the sea.

” She walked past him, her demeanor stiff and formal.

Even the formal furniture seemed designed for comfort and lounging, for long conversations over hearty food.

He led Chay-Liang back to his study and offered her a glass of apple wine while he changed into the formal robes of a t’varr who answered to none but a sea lord.

And I’m trying to get over a break-up, so it’s not like I’m in the proper place for this…’So they’ve moved on to the strangely formal honesty that comes before the argument that leads to the sex.

You never resigned from the role, so formal law still considers you an official member of this court.

Glimmer weaponry they possessed too, though their gunners were in no formal groupings of their own, but scattered among the horde.

’Downstairs, Red Lin Feyn wasn’t in her formal dress as Arbiter of the Dralamut any more but wore a simple white enchanter’s robe.

Since the House had decided it liked Nesta more than anyone else, Rhys had given it to her and Cassian, with the caveat that the library belonged to the priestesses and that the court still had use of the House for formal occasions.

Cassian headed to the left—toward the formal rooms for business, Feyre had informed Nesta during that first and only tour two months ago.