“GOLDENSEAL” на українській мові



The clay dries up pore-clogging oil, and the goldenseal and tea tree oil kill the bacteria that cause infection.

He theorized that, along with the disinfectant qualities of the goldenseal , the heat from the tea had aided in killing germs.

The most commonly used herbs are echinacea, St. John's wort, ginkgo biloba, garlic, saw palmetto, ginseng, goldenseal , aloe, Siberian ginseng and valerian.

Lastly, echinacea, goldenseal and alfalfa may alleviate symptoms and promote healing.

These products often include comfrey, chickweed, echinacea, calendula, goldenseal , plantain, essential oils, and a host of other herbs in a base of olive oil and beeswax.