“GOODS” на українській мові


інші переклади

cargo load goods shipment burden consignment
goods commodity stuff material
property chattel estate goods land
property estate goods capital asset things
goods commodity article ware



merchandise wares stock commodities produce products articles imports exports virtue righteousness goodness morality integrity rectitude honesty truth honor probity propriety worthiness merit blamelessness purity


“Do you want to live out your days as damaged goods?

Bandits got them on the way and killed Curtin and robbed them, while he himself, Dobbs, had a chance to get away with two of his burros and his own goods.

He went on talking and saying that he thinks there must be truckloads of real goods up there in the mountains.

Some day, though, when the goods will amount to, let’s say, three hundred ounces, you may get such ideas more dearly fixed in your heads.

Hardly one blanket could be found with more square inches of goods than square inches of holes.

“Then I have nothing to do with the goods.

They’d had enough time to shop, and he was sure they could survive without whatever other goods they were missing.

The old man hasn’t stolen the goods.

The volunteers who would one day go on to form Fragile Express had evacuated goods there that had been left behind in other locations, forming the source of the colony.

Sam’s mission here wasn’t to deliver goods to the preppers, but to seek their cooperation in the plan to rebuild America.

We want you to take all the goods that each city needs with you.