“HAPPIER” на українській мові


інші переклади

successful lucky felicitous happy apposite chancy
satisfied happy contented content comfortable amused
happy lucky fortunate blessed joyful felicitous



cheerful cheery merry joyful jovial jolly jocular gleeful carefree untroubled delighted smiling beaming grinning in good spirits in a good mood lighthearted pleased contented content satisfied gratified buoyant radiant sunny blithe joyous beatific thrilled elated exhilarated ecstatic blissful euphoric overjoyed exultant rapturous in seventh heaven on cloud nine walking on air jumping for joy jubilant chirpy over the moon on top of the world tickled pink on a high as happy as a clam jocund


To Sam, it was a place that held many painful memories, but also gave him nostalgia for happier times in his childhood.

His demeanor and personality reminded her of happier times.

“I would be happier if you killed Brauctha.

But Joy looks happier in the photo he has, and he’d like to think that she is happier because she’s with him.

The Morthrock house had become a much happier place since Katriona arrived.

After his warfare on them ninety out of a hundred felt happier than before.

”“It’s your castle goodlady, while the situation is calm I am happier to have your input.

We’d be richer, and happier for a fitting vengeance.

Nothing would make him happier than seeing Farad and Finesse out of the game and doing something legitimate with their skills.

Just happier to burn it all down.

The better prepared we are to run if we have to, the happier we will be.