“HAULING” на українській мові


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moving displacement removal shift translation hauling
carriage conveyance haulage hauling



truckage trucking


drag pull tug heave lug hump draw tow yank


There was Rhysand screaming, as if his soul were being shredded, but Cassian and Azriel were there, hauling him away from the bed as Madja tried to save Feyre—But Death hovered nearby.

A light breeze could not overcome the hard, animal stink of the cage, made worse by the reek of the giant beast hauling the wagon.

After that, Nesta had been lucky to bathe once a week, thanks to the hassle of heating and hauling so much water to the lone tub in a corner of their bedroom.

Just then Curtin returned from hauling water from the brook below with the help of the burros.

CHAPTER35There was no light, nothing but frigid water and clawed hands hauling her through it.

There was a wide road pounded flat by decades’ worth of wagons hauling ore from the mines.

”Grumbling, Raif made his way to the edge of the water, stumbling once and falling to his knee before finally scrambling up the side of the shallow bank, digging his hands into the soil, and hauling himself up.

Amren grabbed Nesta under the shoulder, hauling her up.

They were hauling eggs out of the hatchery and into the open.

They climbed, squeezing and slithering and hauling their weight.

He stared at a torchlit group of modalmen and harnessed garau hauling freshly dressed stone trunks toward the unfinished far end.