“HEAVILY” на українській мові


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awkwardly lubberly ungainly artlessly heavily angularly
onerously heavily
heavily severely oppressively



laboriously slowly ponderously woodenly stiffly with difficulty painfully awkwardly clumsily


’She keeps refusing to use a wheelchair, so she leans heavily on me as we return to the big double doors of the hospice.

The plot was conceived by someone in the Strand family around the time of the Death Stranding—Bridget’s ancestors had always been heavily involved in making great contributions to infrastructure, ever since America’s founding—and Bridget was the one who was going to put it all into motion.

”Chapter Twenty-FourRew walked at the head of two-score heavily armed soldiers.

The two drowned men were heavily armed, carrying wide scimitars and bucklers on their belts, but the fish swam tirelessly, their muscular tails sending the sea in to vortices that caressed Aarin’s face.

On top of their heavily muscled shoulders were a second pair of arms, and round, hairless heads sat on squat necks.

He was bigger than a Torosan godling and more heavily muscled.

He spun him right, flung him down on top of his dead partner, then landed heavily on top of them both, knocking the air outta the inmate’s lungs.

”“I told you: their castle is too heavily warded, and full of magical traps that would trip up even Helion.

They rushed down the avenue, the soldiers around him breathing heavily and struggling before they were halfway to the gate.

He didn’t know why it was different this time, why it weighed so heavily.

Sam was breathing heavily with his shoulders, but it didn’t feel like he would loosen his grip anytime soon.