“HERSELF” на українській мові


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itself herself self yourself
himself themselves itself yourself myself herself
itself yourself ourselves myself yourselves herself
yourself oneself yourselves herself ourself


She would have spared herself years of heartache.

She would not let herself cry, not for herself or for the sight of him keeping watch beside her bed all night.

” She twisted her fingers, her gaze at his chest level, suddenly feeling shy herself.

Zafir let herself sink into him and found a whiff of a taste that he wanted, that he wanted enough to forget her for a moment, and when she let herself drift deep inside him, she understood the scent was the one he’d found in Dhar Thosis.

She has devoted herself to rebuilding the UCA to reconnect a broken world.

But she didn’t say that, couldn’t open herself up like that.

She poured herself a glass.

Pieces of her curled up into sobbing balls and others ran screaming in fear but she made herself stand firm, forced herself to face him eye to eye because that was what a dragon-queen learned to do, and if she could do it with a dragon then she could do it with a man, any man, however hard it was.

She would be fine, she told herself.

But that was not a good, or a true, thought, she constantly reminded herself.

Hated herself for balking, and forced herself to say, “The breathing makes my head stop being so …” Horrible.