“HORDE” на українській мові


інші переклади

збиратися групами
cluster horde



crowd mob pack gang group troop army legion swarm mass herd rabble throng multitude host band flock drove press crush crew tribe pile


They are just what he says, a horde of ragged and filthy bandits.

“The Interior Ministry sends me fifty men against a horde of the undead?

A horde of white-painted men was swarming across the sands, laying waste to everything.

With the procession having completed one circuit, robed modalmen unlaced the panel blocking the road and the chanting horde danced inside.

“The horde will ride to the Kingdoms in friendship.

He looked out at the horde.

Glimmer weaponry they possessed too, though their gunners were in no formal groupings of their own, but scattered among the horde.

A wide circle of darkness was lighted up by the flames and in that ghastly brightness there ran and danced a yelling horde who only fifteen minutes before had been normal human beings peacefully traveling from one place to another.

Standing upon this small platform within the screen, Rel was able to see over the heads of the assembled horde right into the centre.

“This horde is mine by right of conquest,” he said.

By the time they got to the top, Crazy’s band of white-faced men had grown to a horde.