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Attractive gemstone paintings, which use garnet, turquoise, yellow agate and red jasper , from Agra catch the attention of visitors.
Standing at 151 inches by 91 inches, the cabinet is said to be the greatest Florentine work of art of its time and includes lapis lazuli, agate and Sicilian red and green jasper .
Silica precipitated from aqueous solution at low temperatures gives cryptocrystalline varieties such as opal, jasper , chalcedony, agate, carnelian, onyx, flint, and chert.
The depictions of birds and flowers were executed in precious materials including lapis lazuli, agate, Sicilian red and green jasper , chalcedony, amethyst and quartz as well as superb hard stones.
We think that the nearby Houserville inhabitants obtained most of their tool stone from the Hatch quarry because more than 95 percent of their artifacts are made of Bald Eagle jasper .