“LEAGUES” на українській мові


інші переклади

league confederacy
union association league combination guild craft



alliance confederation confederacy federation union association coalition consortium affiliation guild cooperative partnership fellowship syndicate


ally join forces join together unite band together affiliate combine amalgamate confederate team up join up


My ward extends twenty-five, thirty leagues from here.

Currently, I’ve blanketed the entire region from the Spine, across the barrows, and two dozen leagues on the other side of the river.

His parliamentary office at Sunderdown was so small, its furnishings so mean, leagues away in terms of quality from his bureau at the Ministry of Justice.

“A hundred leagues.

And the wind is strong enough tonight that it could carry the scent of burning wood and meat for leagues.

Unfortunately, three leagues from Eastwatch, without his pack with him, there wasn’t much he could do except staunch the bleeding.

From leagues away, if the wind blew toward them, they could detect the scent of cooking meat.

He’d been up the entire night before, he’d fought the bandits, had carried the boy several leagues on his shoulder, and been through the torment of the youth’s healing.

And by cooking it, he could spread the scent across several leagues of forest.

“Like the manacles, it interferes with the ability to cast high magic, and I’ve found I can extend it for dozens of leagues.

It must fifty leagues from here.