“LENGTH” на українській мові


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distance length extent remove
length duration
longitude length
length longitude
length extent
duration length lasting continuance standing currency



extent distance linear measure span reach area expanse stretch range scope


Vand stepped back, looking up and down the length of the giant figure.

No one more so than Nesta, who now shelved her sword and took up a length of linen.

This very day, I have spoken at length with Mayor Ullvis, and I have heard some of what needs to be done.

It wasn’t odd that he only had one foot – more luck than anything that, under the circumstances – and it wasn’t odd that the Elemental Men treated him so well, not with all that flashy armour and those silks and the length of his braids.

After a quarter of an hour he knocked out his pipe, rolled himself in his blanket, and stretched himself full length near the fire.

But the gesture was short-lived, hardly the length of a blink before a healthy wail went up from the other side of the room, and—Mor stammered, weeping, and the babe she brought to the bed was not the small, still thing she’d been holding, but a full-term winged boy.

When Golden Lane’s redevelopment was completed, it would be possible to see all the way down its length from the old Northgate to where the city plunged into the basin of the Lemio river.

Rew tossed aside the body of the narjag he’d been stabbing over the shoulder of and stepped forward, using the length of his longsword to thrust into the second rank, holding his hunting knife close to deflect any strikes from narjag spears.

He raised his longsword so that the men could see the dark blood staining its length.

Holding their crude spears and rusty short swords, they stabbed and swung at him, fouling each other’s strikes and making it easy for him to lunge forward and use the length of his blade to strike and then retreat back to safety.

She stroked her fingers down the length of his cock, still trapped within his pants.