“LIDO” на українській мові


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basin pool swimming pool pond reservoir lido
beach lido


We also liked the photo of what looked like a submerged lido on the beach at Broadstairs (although we would have liked the photo to be a bit bigger).

Like the Scarborough lido , the Jubilee Pool is an open-air pool filled with unheated sea water and also forms part of the coastal defences.

When I visited the Charlton Lido recently, I spoke to some young lads aged 12 to 13, who had spent most of the summer at the lido and thought it was great.

Whitby has been waiting more than 30 years for a sports hall to supplement its ailing lido , which is currently costing Council Tax-payers £200,000 a year just to keep open.

The London Pools Campaign, which was set up to highlight the closure of swimming pools across the capital, also pushed for the lido to be re-opened.