“MACHINERY” на українській мові


інші переклади

деталі машини
machinery enginery
machinery equipment technique technology engineering technics
equipment machinery outfit stock-in-trade



equipment apparatus hardware gear tackle plant mechanism instruments tools gadgetry technology


One morning, strolling along the freight depot, he was hailed by the manager of an American agency for agricultural machinery.

3The derricks, stages, and wheels were finally broken and set fire to, so as to leave no trace of their machinery.

The machinery is here, in the citadel.

The area was inundated with the sounds of shells and gunfire, together with the hum of heavy machinery that sounded like some kind of growling beast.

They were unloading machinery and he was asked if he would like to lend a hand for a day or two.

The temperature dropped artificially as if countering the heat of the machinery.

She found what she was looking for, hidden under an advertisement for a new kind of metal stamping machinery.

Or you would have sent back just one man to get the claim legally registered and then have formed a regular mining company, with all the machinery and a hundred men working for you.

Here he bought tools and such machinery as he needed, and also blastingpowder.

Since the orphans had gone the machinery had probably become uneconomical to use, though it was as likely that the Grostimans were being quick to wipe away all traces of evidence, Filden thought.

I take it the machinery replicates their orbits?