“MESSAGE” на українській мові


інші переклади

authorization proxy commission mandate errand message
message notification report notice communication announcement



communication piece of information news note memorandum memo email letter missive report bulletin communiqué dispatch


Her colleague had already sent her a message letting her know that Sam had dropped by.

“And you, I’m told you have a message for me?

I’ll always be with you,” Cliff reassured the BB, trying as hard as he could to make sure that he was hearing his message.

When Amelie jumped away before, she left a message saying that she was going to finish what Bridget started.

That was the only message that had reached Målingen.

A message to Duke Eeron, of course, but do you think he’ll assemble the army and call to the capital for more help?

Have you ever seen her as anything other than a hologram—The message froze again and Deadman interrupted over the codec.

The message came through in pieces and was drowned out by a lot of static, but it was good news.

Perhaps whoever wrote the message had been standing here, fighting to hold his paper and pen.

By the time you get a message to her… It’s dangerous, warning her.

He shouted quickly, desperate to get out his message.