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One more stop and many miles saw the volcanoes grow taller and taller, the land blacker.
He remembered being Berren on a field a few miles away with sigils scribed in blood pressed to his chest in the heat of battle.
6Dobbs walked almost three miles back to town.
From the Lair of Samim to the Godspike was a distance of about seven hundred miles.
“We have passed within the borders of Ostria, though the inhabited marches are many miles that way.
“Sea Drays Bay is only fifteen miles distant,” said Antoninan.
Only 1,139 miles to go.
Right at the bottom of the damp cold depths while five miles above him a long slit of daylight filtered feebly down.
Two miles?
The first shacks of the town were hardly five miles away.
We might still make four miles more.