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With satisfaction, Rew noted that they were fleeing away from the tower, away from his party and the miners.
“What of the miners?
Ahead of him was the stout tower that the miners were defending.
Alsayer looked to the miners.
If those Dark Kind hadn’t begun building a ramp up the side, they never would have gotten to the miners.
Chapter FourteenIn the corner of the room, Alsayer hunched next to Cinda, scratching on a piece of scrap paper the miners had given him.
Those miners might be capable brawlers, but against a large group of Dark Kind, they don’t stand a chance.
Without any palavers or warning they attacked so quickly that the miners were killed before they had time enough to draw a gun or fetch a rifle.
Half a dozen miners were playing some game that involved dozens of chips of stone and a lot of bellows and curses followed by embarrassed looks at the women in the party.
There were a dozen miners crouched behind the walls.
Frowning to herself, Zaine let Rew drape one of her arms over his shoulder, and slowly, the two of them went back into the tower and up the winding stairwell, looking for one of the empty rooms that the miners were not using.