“MOORINGS” на українській мові


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berth park moorings



mooring line


Three more moorings and then it would all be over, and it was just a matter of finding a sled that still worked and getting Belli to stand on the back of it with her – never mind his terror of heights – and then not being eaten by a dragon or shot down by lightning as they fled, and maybe, just maybe, escaping all the way from the Godspike to the Dralamut.

Pillars of stone thumped down like steam hammers, shaken from their moorings by the convulsions of the underworld.

She had more glass and she could make a shield, but it wouldn’t matter because she didn’t have time and he could appear anywhere he liked and the bladeless knife would cut through metal and glass as though it was air, and then she’d never finish severing the moorings to sink them all into the storm-dark, and even if he didn’t kill her here and now, she’d sealed the hatchling into the tunnel and the bombs she’d made were in there too and she’d never get to .