The cut surface of the lesion was variegated, with solid, gray-white tumor alternating with gelatinous transparent to green mucoid material, red lakes of hemorrhagic fluid, and yellow necrotic debris.
Although the epidemic isolates were mainly mucoid and had increased antibiotic resistance, these phenotypic features were highly variable and could not reliably discriminate between strains.
After classification of the nature of the sputum, those patients with macroscopically mucoid samples did not receive antibiotic therapy.
Widely distributed in the embryo as a loose connective tissue, mucoid tissue is composed of large stellate fibroblasts in an abundant intercellular substance, which is homogeneous and soft.
As I was walking down the corridor one day with my chief, we came upon a pool of brownish mucoid liquid on the floor, perhaps vomitus, incontinent stool, or some other body fluid.