“NEWSFLASH” на українській мові


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news flash



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But the extra price jump yesterday followed a newsflash that a Louisiana pipeline hub was in better shape than expected.

Under America's Missing Broadcast Emergency Response, the moment a child is reported missing TV and radio programmes are interrupted with a newsflash and messages are beamed onto motorways signs to alert the public.

When a newsflash comes out of Israel telling the world there has been a bomb blast in which three innocent bystanders have been killed it is immediately assumed to be linked to the bitter conflict with Palestine.

I remember waking on the Sunday morning back in 1997 when the newsflash came on the radio that Princess Diana had been killed in a car crash in Paris (the date will always stay with me because I lost a close friend the same morning).

Currently, I have a post-Christmas overdraft, but, as of five minutes ago, this BBC newsflash has put it in perspective.