“OCCUPIED” на українській мові


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occupied busy
busy occupied engaged concerned booked in work



busy engaged working at work active immersed preoccupied absorbed engrossed tied up wrapped up hard at it


live in inhabit be the tenant of lodge in move into take up residence in make one's home in people populate settle reside in dwell in


They no longer doubted that the trench was occupied by soldiers; perhaps by only a few, but soldiers they must be.

Howard was occupied with roasting meat.

The two-level atrium occupied the northern end of the business wing, as Feyre called it.

Kevin led her past lounge chairs occupied by intertwined couples making out and drinking.

These occupied their minds to such a degree that they could no longer waste time looking for shortcomings in their neighbors.

Not the towering black pillars and their carvings, not the wicked people who occupied it, not the utter darkness of the place.

Five miles across the flats Mogawn occupied the centre of the vista, its castle a model atop stone luminous in the sun.

Of the hundred seats, fewer than half were occupied.

Fearing his actions would lead to a direct confrontation between Shkarauthir and Brauctha, and dismayed at his inability to help, Rel avoided returning to the cages, and occupied his mind with questions of geography.

Corporal Ranost, keep this rabble occupied while I’m out.

Even had they known something about gold dust they would not have thought this particular sand of real value, not at this moment, when all their thoughts were occupied in other directions.