“OURSELVES” на українській мові


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themselves yourself ourselves
himself themselves itself yourself myself ourselves
itself yourself ourselves myself yourselves herself
oneself ourself ourselves


We sate ourselves in flesh and move on.

Fact is, we should congratulate ourselves if he does.

“If we leave the pack ice, and cut across land ourselves from this point,” explained Antoninan, “we can rely on our supplies.

So you get on with watching the sea for the ship, and I’ll get on watching the snow for the Draathis, and we can argue about this if we ever, ever find ourselves back in the isles.

”“We built these forts to stage our own attacks, then, rather than to defend ourselves?

We should not consider ourselves safe, either of us, so you may bring whatever you see fit to defend yourself.

Still, come to think of it, it wouldn’t matter so much; that would save us the labor of breaking it down ourselves when we leave.

The wind blows through like the breath of a banshee, and we’ll want what heat we can make for ourselves.

”The Guardian“At its heart, Skein Island is a novel about storytelling, gender, and the tales we fall captive to or fool ourselves into believing.

“We win to prove to ourselves that it can be done.

“Why don’t we just let ourselves go extinct?