“PALACE” на українській мові


інші переклади

mansion palace
palace castle alcazar serai seraglio
residence residency palace



royal/official residence castle chateau mansion stately home schloss


It came to the palace itself.

As if this palace floated in the clouds.

They grabbed him and somehow, they were all winnowed back to her palace.

Up they walked, out of the dungeons of the Hewn City, out of the wretched place itself, until they stood amongst the moonstone pillars of the beautiful palace above it.

Her throat closed at the surge of memories and at the sprawling view—the glimmering ribbon of the Sidra far below, the red-stoned palace built into the side of the flat-topped mountain itself.

“Briallyn has been residing alone in their palace for weeks now.

Where the outer ring of the palace was more than a twisted iron skeleton in a circle of debris, where it hadn’t been smashed open or exploded from the inside, handfuls of Taiytakei soldiers herded groups of captives.

A sea lord hanging dead from his own palace was a thing you had to see.

The remains of the palace were quiet now, deserted except for a handful of night-skin soldiers poking through the rubble for anything precious that might have survived when the towers had come down.

As with the palace towers of the sea lords, it’s meant to be impervious to your intrusions.

That was something then, since the only other way off the island palace was to plunge from the cliffs into the sea.