“PEERING” на українській мові


інші переклади

look out peer await expect notice
appear make an appearance peer
бути рівнею
peer look attentively case



look closely try to see narrow one's eyes screw up one's eyes squint


”“Dangerous…” said the thief, shivering, peering at the fire-blackened, shriveled head as it popped and sizzled in the embers of their campfire.

He felt eyes on him again, only here the eyes were human, peering out through cracked walls and from behind closed curtains.

”Blythe leaned over the staff, peering at it closely.

Cassian sat on the flat top of the mountain in which the House of Wind had been built, peering down into the open-air training ring beneath him.

They stood right up close to the edge, apparently not too bothered by any notion of falling, peering down and jabbering to each other with exactly the animation of a crowd of people who’d had their first sight of a fire-breathing monster shooting past their doorstep.

” asked the thief, peering around Rew’s shoulder.

“It allowed you to winnow within and outside of the Prison,” Feyre said, peering at the Harp.

She sat down next to him, feet dangling over the void, peering between her knees at the storm-dark.

’ The dragon was still peering intently into the night.

The man moved at a casual stroll, glancing around much like Rew was and frequently peering ahead as if he was looking for something.

“It’s a tough life out here on the edge of the world,” said Raif, peering into one of the open mine shafts.