“PLACED” на українській мові


інші переклади

placed invested inserted lodged



located situated set


put (down) set (down) lay deposit position plant rest stand station situate leave stick dump park plonk pop plunk


Huge buildings of shining crystals wove themselves together high overhead, but though enormous, they were perfectly placed so as not to block the sun.

Sam closed his eyes and placed his hand on the pod.

Grauthek stood next to his lord, extended his lower arms diagonally to the ground and placed his upper hands, palms flat, together above his head.

The monk behind Aarin placed his hand in the small of Aarin’s back.

Fragile gently placed her hand on it.

Higgs placed the mask in his hand over Amelie.

” The Sniffer knelt, placed his carpet bag on the bare boards of the corridor, and opened its neck up wide.

He glanced at Cinda out of the corner of his eye, around the gleaming silver pitchers that held the coffee and the piles of fruits and pastries the servants had placed around them.

”When Sam placed the photo in his chest pocket, the doll caught his eye.

”As Bridget pointed out her observation, her father placed a large hand on her head.

How Nesta had summoned it despite the spells Helion had placed on the other two … He’d think of that another day.