інші переклади
психосоматичний |
Everything that we experience is psychosomatic because the body is always involved, whenever we look through our eyes, whenever we hear through the ears, and in everything that we experience in terms of our feelings and sensations.
Indeed, asthma is considered by many to be the prototype of psychosomatic illness.
We read daily of psychosomatic disorders, and of stress exacerbating asthma, heart disease, gastric ulcers and schizophrenia. ‘Mens sana in corpore sano’, a healthy mind in a health body.
Of all the psychoanalysts to write on psychosomatic illness, none was more influential than the Berlin / Chicago psychoanalyst Franz Alexander.
Part 2 on physical and psychosomatic illness opens with Liakopoulou's chapter on the separation-individuation process in adolescents with chronic physical illness.