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’ Her voice was quiet but a fury quivered through her.
’ The whole eyrie quivered with the voice.
It crept up through his arms to his shoulders, until his jaw quivered and his brain shook, and then back down his spine to his waist and his knees until his entire body was convulsing.
Several of the coverings had torn free in winter storms, and quivered in the sea breeze, revealing stores of timber and wooden crates, lashed together with yet more rope.
Emerie’s lips quivered with the effort to keep from smiling.
He stopped by Zafir, and all at once Diamond Eye quivered and changed in the snap of a finger from boredom into a killer on the brink of attack.
Behind him Shonda quivered under a table cut from a single diamond.
Fire quivered along her left thigh and knee.
The eyrie quivered again.
The eyrie hadn’t quivered and there hadn’t been any screaming and shouting up and down the tunnels, and so she supposed the dragon and the Elemental Men and Mai’Choiro had temporarily settled their differences.
Zafir quivered with rage and shock.