“RELUCTANTLY” на українській мові


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reluctantly unwillingly grudgingly


”“Ilona,” said Aretimus reluctantly.

”The cat had given Baby Brother a sullen look, then reluctantly began scraping shit off the walls.

Rew, having come out to the frontier to avoid exactly that type of expectation and responsibility, had reluctantly assumed the mantle as a sort of unofficial governor.

’Liang couldn’t imagine wanting her last memories of anyone, least of all someone she’d come to respect and perhaps even admire, to be of their corpse hanging upside down to be mocked and flogged, but Kalaiya wouldn’t be moved, and so Liang reluctantly returned with her and stood and watched.

She joined him reluctantly.

I wait until the waitress reluctantly leaves, then tell him, ‘I thought I could make it work, but I can’t.

Mor had reluctantly informed him she’d brought Nesta there the day before.

”She turned reluctantly from the view.

She reluctantly lets go.

Joy reluctantly followed, but stayed back from the glass, afraid someone would look up, recognize her, and mention her to Judy.