“RESTRICTED” на українській мові


інші переклади

limited restricted confined finite small restrictive
для службового користування



cramped confined constricted small narrow tight


limit keep within bounds regulate control moderate cut down


Though hostilities were restricted to privateering actions on the high seas, a lone Kingdoms man abroad in their lands would not last long.

He tried to ask Drauthek questions, but the giant was caught up in the celebrations, and Rel’s entire efforts became restricted to avoiding being trampled.

—But Amelie wasn’t restricted to the Beach, she could appear in this world, too.

So the claws were sheathed with leather, the mouth muzzled, and the tail’s movement restricted by a brake, a harness that ran lines through hoops to the rear of the tall saddle.

She took responsibility for moving the mass of papers heaped on it, but restricted her other preparations to barked commands at Astred, the maid Hovernia and Bolth as they brought in food.

Hadn’t noticed how much muscle she’d packed onto her thighs and arms this month until she realized her movements had been restricted by the old pair.

They were all directly elected by the populace, although suffrage was restricted to the wealthy.

He tried to sit, but his movements were restricted and sharp pain tore across his back.