“RUFFE” на українській мові



In addition to plenty of perch, Roger Baker reported that skimmers, roach, tommy ruffe , chub and bleak were all in abundance, once again illustrating the Ouse is alive and well.

The host country were convincing winners with 42.5 points on a canal which provided roach, small skimmers, perch, ruffe and bleak and the occasional sizeable bream.

These fish are at risk from other species of fish, especially roach and ruffe , which have been introduced in recent years - some say by pike anglers using them as bait.

The 40-mile stretch of the River Ure includes important game fisheries with trout, grayling and even salmon, but there are worries that many less well-known species such as the ruffe and bullhead are in decline.

The ruff , on the other hand, although a smaller fish, makes good eating; its flesh is tender and tasty.