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If we did not and should buy them and they should later prove to be stolen, we might have the federal soldiers here in no time and they would shoot every man found to possess one of these burros as a just punishment for rustling and banditry.
Over the din of the market, Rew listened to the soldiers moving from the barracks toward the north gate, their heavy steps and rustling chainmail like the noise of some ancient drake sliding through the town.
So Nesta had shelved in the dimness, surrounded by whispers of rustling paper, only pausing to wipe the dust from her hands.
“Well, Clotho,” he said, leaning back in the chair, surrounded by the sounds of rustling parchment and the robes of the priestesses like fluttering wings, “you asked for an audience?
Cassian’s warmth seeped into her side, his wings rustling near her back.
Then he strode off into the nearby brush, the knee-high grasses and bushes rustling.
Nesta asked into the rustling quiet, “Nymph?
Gwyn crossed her arms, pale robes rustling.
The birds and other small fauna that normally filled the day with their songs and rustling had gone silent.
The full skirts brushed the dark floor, rustling in the rippling silence.
Cassian let her keep at it, the rain and wind rustling the thatched roof a distant counter-beat above them, and began to wonder what would emerge from the heat and shadows.