“SECRETLY” на українській мові


інші переклади

secretly furtively on the quiet underhand softly
secretly underhand furtively
secretly underhand furtively
slowly quietly secretly
по секрету
secretly confidentially
secretly in confidence privately in private
secretly underground sub rosa occultly underhand behind the back



in secret in private privately behind closed doors in camera behind the scenes under cover under the counter behind someone's back furtively stealthily on the sly on the quiet conspiratorially covertly clandestinely on the side on the QT off the record hush-hush sub rosa


‘Some people said you were secretly a eunuch but now we all know better.

’And so they sipped tea together and Red Lin Feyn told Liang what everyone secretly already knew: how there had once been four divines, the lords of the sun and the moon and the ladies of the earth and the stars, remembered even now in little ways in corners of Takei’Tarr and revered in the realms of the Sun King and of Aria.

Later, he knew Anne would apologize, would cry at the pain she transferred into him, and he would forgive her, beg her not to worry, tell her it wasn’t so bad, and secretly wish that it would never happen again.

Lin Feyn hadn’t ever found any reason for such a belief but she secretly favoured it because it made her blood the blood of the Crimson Sunburst herself and was a poke in the eye for the killers, who claimed to serve her but in reality served only themselves.

He’d often wondered if she secretly detested him, or if she simply put up with him because she was a slave and he was her master and everything he thought they had between them was in fact nothing at all.

He secretly hoped that she would.

But she secretly wanted to.

I am secretly glad to hear that.

He says that he knows he’s supposed to say that’s unnecessary, but to tell you he’s secretly delighted.

Does it happen a lot, do you think, secretly?

Though he secretly did wish he could learn more about her.